Our green credentials
Climate change is a global threat which will impact the lives of everyone on Earth. Our planet and the survival of our wildlife is under threat.
It’s vital that all individuals, businesses, organisations and governments contribute towards the common goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
The global IT sector is responsible for 8% of global carbon emissions, which are one of the greatest causes of climate change and are having a disastrous impact on natural habitats and wildlife.
Many operations similar to ours don’t have an environmental policy, so we wanted to give you the option to use a carbon neutral system.
By using shopforprints, you are guaranteed that your use of our services will contribute as little as possible to your carbon footprint.
Our products are printed using water-based inks on acid-free papers made from naturally occurring renewable materials.
Moreover, we have print facilities globally which means that we can reduce air travel and courier emissions when shipping your orders.
Offsetting our carbon emissions is first and foremost a short-term alternative and not a long-term solution. We are always looking for ways to cut back our emissions further and continue to make necessary changes along the way.